
About Staff: Our staff is made up of Malachi, Brenda, and Elvira Yards. All three of them adore cats and love to take care of them. They are very excited to finally have this opportunity to breed two of their favorite breeds of cats, the bombay and the birman. Both breeds are loving and friendly and the Yards are looking forwad to this exciting and wonderful opportunity.
Brenda: Brenda remembers when her mother would always tell her that she wanted to run a cattery. But her mother would always say that she didn't want it to be any old cattery, she wanted it to be the best cattery there is, with plenty of room for the cats and where the cats have freedom to do whatever they want. Now, with her mother passed on without ever reaching that goal and Brenda an adult with a family of her own, she is willing to make her mother's dream... come true.

Malachi: Malachi believes he married the best woman in the world. Not only do they share their love for cats, but they also love to run the cattery. When his wife brought up the idea one late night, Malachi couldn't think of reasons not to, seeing that he wanted it just as much as she did. Now he is determined to make their cattery dependable and the best you have seen with quality care and love.

Elvira: Being the daughter of two cat lovers, Elvira grew up around cats. With this she learned to love and appreciate the lives and looks of cats. Though being a teen can be difficult, she can't find a better way to unwind from a stressful day at school than going to the cattery and spending the whole day with fluffy, lovable cats. She enjoys the work so much that one day, she hopes her mother will pass the business onto her.

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